Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sexual Life Breaking Relations! Don’t Panic Sort a Solution!

Marriage is one of the most important happening in every person's life. It is an institution that the society has made for the human beings so that two people come together, bear babies and live together, helping each other in making a better life for themselves. Marriage is one thing, among others that differentiates the human world from that of the animals'. Marriage has been invented for the human beings for the sheer fact that we are human beings. We are developed, civilized and different from other animals. So, there must be something that can justify this fact.

Since the ancient times wanton habits have been detached from the human world. Though these habits have been there, they were understated. They were not apparent, nor were they meant to be apparent. Well, these things apart, when two people from the different sexes come together they work together to make a living for themselves and their children. From then on, the tasks of the man and women have been determined. The man used to go out of the house and arrange for food, clothing, and shelter and the women used to look after the kids and the household. This task division is applicable till this date.

Although, today women are empowered, independent and all, but still they can't get rid of the kitchen. No matter how hard a woman tries she has to attend to her kids and the home and the man is at the helm of the affairs outside the home. So the division is still pretty same. And marriage is one thing that is going as strong as in the earlier days.

However, marriages today are very much open to breaking up or technically speaking, divorces have become common. People are no longer satisfied in staying with a person for their entire life if the compatibility factor is not working out. They go for people with whom they feel they can lead a happy life, and the very famous adage can be applied to their marriage- "and they lived happily ever after". People are today comfortable with the fact that it is not necessary that a person gets lucky in the first time. It is very much possible that life with the first partner might not click. And there is nothing wrong in going for a partner that suits the person the best.

All this is very fine. If the society is getting lenient for the better, there is nothing wrong in that. But today marriages, especially in the western countries are breaking left, right, and centre. People part ways at the drop of the hat. There are a number of reasons behind the increasing divorce rate in today's times. But the question to be raised is that why do people give up so easily nowadays? Why don't they give a try to mend the relationship? Why is it so easy for some people to change partners? It is true there are exceptions to this rule and it is also true that there are sometimes irreconcilable differences in a relationship, but then divorces have become the trend of the day.

One very important reason behind breaking relations is a dissatisfactory sexual life. Sex is one of the most important aspects in a marriage. It is one of the basic needs of humans, in fact for most of the living beings. So a marital relationship without sex is quite unthinkable and impossible. Poor sex life is one of the primary reasons behind the breaking off of relations. Again there are numerous reasons behind a poor sex life. I won't and practically can't recount all the reasons responsible for a bad sex life. But one reason that I know and that I will discuss here is that of erectile dysfunction. ED is one of the primary physical reasons behind the inability to have sex. Because of the inability of the organ, erectile dysfunction also makes it difficult for having babies. But the thing is that ED is not a reason enough to break off a relation. The women under such circumstances should be helpful and help her husband out in tackling ED. Today there are sources available; a number of oral prescription drugs are available in the market. If you are brand conscious, you can go for the best in the market today, such as Lily Icos Cialis. You can buy cialis on doctor prescription and if you buy Cialis online you can compare prices and avail ample information on the drug. In case ED is causing a trouble in your marriage, hold on don't take a hurried step to kill your relation rather talk it out with your partner, talk it out with your doctor and go in for the best solution!

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